Signs are the traffic signals, conversation starters, motivators and rainmakers that point customers your way.
Murdoch University 3D Lecturn Signage. This installation was a series of 3 dimensional signs for the new hi-tech lecturns installed in the lecture theatres at Murdoch University. Being front and centre of this prestigious Univestity required premium quality and high attention to detail, including matching the Corporate colours.
Mount Claremont Bakery Shopfront Signage Fitout. For the Mount Claremont Bakery a Retro inspired design was required, the awning was fronted with Aluminium composite panels, The Lightbox was fitted with translucent Acrylic panels and windows have a subtle but stylish logo graphic installed.
5th Element Fitness Wall Graphic The 5th Element fitness centre needed a vibrant and dynamic feature wall for the front of the fitness studio, This wall graphic was acheived by applying printed vinyl to the existing wall, at 6 metres long this wall packs a punch!!